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It’s time to pay homage to your future self.
She’ll thank you for it (and so will your loved ones)!
Gain more ease and seamless efficiency
Overcome what blocks you to step into a life filled with richness and fullness to embark on your truest soul desires There’s an efficient more purposeful manner of going about what you’re trying to reach.
There is something more meant for you.
You’ll find my top tools that enrich and reignite your life by reinventing you.
Discover newfound belief, courage, & freedom that anchors you
and frees you of obstacles and burdens,
Get ready to be strengthened in an easier breezier more soul-fulfilling vacation mindset version of self! Putting certain things on automating while other things you more enjoy take your enjoyed attention vs. before it was just more of a hustle towards it all.
Your future lifestyle is waiting where your truest God-given soul desires have always been!
Once you start really setting up your life with the evidence of what you’ve been desiring,
opportunities start flowing in.
Programs serve to AID HER CLIENTS IN A transition IN HAVING More ease, productivITY, and LIFE fulfiLMENTNicole supports her clients in re-discovering self-belief and restructures a lifestyle to accommodate bringing in deepest truest desires beyond all the noise.
is an entrepreneur & life coach
Focused on empowering coaching others to step into their awakened truest strengthened self and to take on the truest goals that align with a deeper version of yourself which causes you to love your life.
Celebrating life moments with living fully among your belongings.
Reorganize to simplify and to appreciate the moment and what you currently have
Shift your energy to bring in more of your opportunities
Gain clarity through clarifying your environment
Have more ease and focus cause you love your life and where you’re currently at in everything.
It’s the foundation to let in what you’re able to bring in next
You have to make time for your life to be lived fully in order to make time to love your life.
Nicole is known by her clients for:
- highly intuitive Abilities in her
deep-guided Visualizations
- direct way of coaching, seeing her clients full potential
- Her ability and success in supporting the transformation of her client’s lives
- her creative vision in the creation of custom goal tracking & CALENDAR offerings providing successful accomplishments
- CRAFTED VIDEO OFFERINGS & VISUAL ACTIVITIES THAT Fuel her clients in transformation
- Inner wisdom guiding empowerment audio’s
- creative vision to lend Transformation activities that step clients into a future lifestyle in-home and mindset
We’ll be creating evidence in your life and home space along with the key systems that revive your life,
your mindset to encourage the outcomes you desire with more ease and a flow that keeps you on your mark.
We clear up underlying limiting beliefs and unworthiness that stems from others weighing in on you to show you how little markers can make you go to new places in your lifestyle.
We’ll be setting up your life in a whole new way more aligned with the truest self that may feel like a dream state but is actually quite possible.
That self is evolved without added pressure or loss of time and living your dreams.
You know where you need to go however the world pushed in on you. We’re about to clear that all up and really start reaching your truest desires pushed by the waist side!
You’re one step away from learning how you can gain that belief back that you can claim your truest desires and stop listening to others when it comes to blocking what you have always wanted.
About Nicole
I’ve crafted all these offerings for you based on my own real-life needs. I was indifferent shoes before. I kept feeling like there was more calling me and I was on the brink of something great, but the inner voice, and overwhelm paired with life’s obstacles and naysaying whispering beliefs are almost held me back from living truly what was calling me. I grew up in a middle-class family who worked hard to make a living. I myself was living the 9-5 marketing career in Boston, MA at the time, and I wanted more for my life than others maybe thought was possible back then. I wanted to be in touch more with nature, living my passions and connecting what grabbed my soul, mixing work with play. When I started listening to my own inner knowing and began making small choices that would lead me more to my path, things began to really unfold for me. Today I call this “planting the seeds” and taking action on things that once felt like a risk, and far-fetched desires. This trust in whispers of inner wisdom, glimmers of self-belief, and passion for life, ultimately lead me to live my truest self’s desires in spite of the ups and downs life brings. It was through trusting my own inner voice over others, moving to Napa Valley twelve years ago, and wrangling the naysayer within, that morphed into so much fulfillment to carry out purposefully living my deepest desires. From there, the lifestyle I actually wanted and needed was being constructed… but it wasn’t always easy. Through the years I devised tools that would keep not only myself progressing in life and business, but would also serve others. Along with incorporating reminders about making time to play in life (even when the tasks at hand may seem mundane), and tracking key habits to support mindset and home life. The key habits I nourished kept me in the higher vibration of an elevated life I wanted and deserved which lead to and new opportunities being presented every day. Now, I proudly guide others through my tools to support them in goal-setting habits shifting both home and mindset. Empowering others to now see the life they are living become that much more fulfilling and in harmony with their deepest desires is so very satisfying to me.
Let’s set your mind to something amazing and get you back to where you desire to be in life and business.
So many of us are in just a state of coping from life’s OBSTACLES that the thought of actually getting up and fueled (and truly up and in an arrived state of mind) to even able to focus on themselves enjoying life in the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed (and lived) is out of the question. on those days, (and preempting these days) this is the site you want by your side and readily available. I created this, as a place that is meant to get people up, excited about living life vibrantly as when we’re born in this world. In addition, it’s meant to keep you in progression with your daily goals and desires. I empower you to retrain your brain, focus on new perspectives so you’re operating from a place where you are no longer as likely to be overwhelmed easily, and where life seems of SIMPLER times.
I myself found that vibe and way of living in some of my early childhood years and I really let it in again with new heights when I moved to napa Valley. life is really all about perspective. what we begin to incorporate in our mind and let weigh in on us is what it is.
So this site is where you’ll find all the reminders for your mind and your home to be shifted and we hope that you’ll be empowered to take a step back and refocus on yourself to put forth where you want to be in mind, spirit, and with soulful purpose and fulfillment.
ways you can work with me
media company. I started capturing the stories of those that inspired and spoke to my heart and it leads to television interviews with well-known celebrities, and many written articles to pair with the nationally published photography recognition I was receiving. But it wasn’t easy or without my own inner naysaying. Through the years I discovered what had kept me progressing and that was clearly defined outcomes, goals setting, my own accountability sheets I crafted from scratch, and positive affirmations I gifted to myself over my own captured inspiring nature scenes. Today my offerings have grown to include all that filled me up, drove me higher, elevating me and nourishing me when with accountability downloads, systems of organization and purposeful living, a retreat online that brings you closer to the truer YOU, and the visualizations that deep dive innately into hearing your truest you. Live fully and purposefully is the name of the game to pursue any. lifestyle.
where I now live life from a new perspective where it’s just not as overwhelming as you once viewed it and it’s simpler and just more of ease. I had felt emotionally beaten down in my childhood. I felt self-consciously depleted, over judged, and critical eye set upon me and it was heavy, brought up by someone who had fear and anxiety where things felt bigger and they were used to responding aggressively when they were out of sorts or things didn’t look as they should to them. I took the brunt of a lot of that emotional turmoil. Later in life, I developed IBS, fiber myalgia, allergies to gluten that left me feeling debilitated and anxious. But I got back up I sought after a side to myself that had more than I could give. A deeper innate understanding of something higher than me that was pulling me through this and elevating me in life, mind, and business in order to help the world. What I found is How you digest things is key. How you respond, interpret, let things affect you is key. everyone is going through their issues but how you interpret and let them affect you is another. That’s the power we can all take back for ourselves.
These include my accountability sheets, 1 on 1 client coaching programs, beautifully grafted positive affirmations,
Everything I provide on here is the very tools I needed to fill me up, propel and empower me to an uplifted and unleveled passionate promoter of self-care & purposeful living programs.
Today my offerings have grown to include all that filled me up, drove me higher,
- elevating me and nourishing me in mindset
- Accountability downloads to keep me propelled on my goals
- Systems of the organization to create an environment that breeds productivity and purposeful enjoyment of life
- An online program filled with beautifully crafted videos, audios, and visuals from my collection to support others in purposeful self-care enrichment for a truer you to result.
- and my very own guided visualizations that come from something above greater than me.
I wish for you today, to live more fully, passionately, purposefully, and truest to YOU! making life easier and more joyful.
I'm an entrepreneur living life to the fullest in Napa Valley, CA. I moved cross country leaving the corporate world in marketing to do more of what satisfied my soul over a decade ago. As a Journalist and content creator. I've been covering inspiring stories through still photos, written articles, and interview segments. I guide others to carry out truest desires;
living fullest "YOU" with my key habit shift for mindset and home as their VIP Lifestyle-ist!
These are the very offerings I created to support myself in staying strengthened in my life and career My "Living Revived" Offerings © are made to support you in moving past obstacles!
People ask me how did you go from marketing in the corporate world of Boston MA to being an entrepreneur and coach guiding others on mindfulness and home living in Napa Valley…
Here’s what that looked like
in 2009 - affirmations over photos; moved to Napa used affirmations in my own life
in 2010 - interview segments started and a small tv show airing on the Napa station all my content was produced for the purposes of inspiring others and capturing inspiring stories
in 2011 - create a calendar
in 2019 - coaching offerings tested on family and friends
in 2020 - really started coaching others 1 on 1, and built my online program, THE REVIVAL now serving many
in 2021 - The Revival Platform Launches and the free online webinar is held, All Day Intensive is held. Thrive Global features Nicole’s article.
10 Questions answered by Nicole
1 Where does this place of guidance come from where you’re able to support others in thier lifestyle, mindset and home life?
As a dedicated solopreneur for almost two decades, I have steered the ship for myself to make my life what it is today in both personal life and professional life experiencing first hand what it takes to overcome obstacles and reach my truest future self. Having moved to the west coast to pursue living my life fully according to my soul’s desires, I learned what it takes to stay optimistic amongst worry, fears, occasional self doubt, and beat the odds in the heart of a recession in 2009. Consider me your biggest cheerleader to propel you in what your own soul desires call you towards. Hear the testimonials of others provided that review my programs causing them to feel “revived” in mind and home.
In my own life I’ve seen what life can bring if you still your mind, hear your own inner calling louder than that of what others are determining would be best for you. I’ve laid out my home and mental space to fuel for myself and others a way of living “revived” in environments that allow oneself to tap into their truest future self calling. If you appreciate your physical environment and live purposefully you’ll be loving your life that much more and aligning with a true to the senses way and true to self. Overcoming obstacles, fears, and worries that come about for so many, can take take shape to stop the interest of drive and passion if we let it BUT with active reminders of how to tap into our truest self, we are able to overcome and live freely like a kid again no matter the age.
2 Were you always someone that was on this path?
As a child growing up, I was at time shy, and self conscious. I was sensitive and would often worry about what others thought making sure I was doing everything right the way I was supposed to and I was often concerned more about the welfare of others, including that of my two younger sisters as the duty of the oldest make sure they were okay. I often felt on the outskirts looking in.
Today, I live my life vibrantly and I’m always making a conscience awareness to do what aligns with my closest soul desires. It often takes self soothing reminders from positive habit shifts to keep fueled with believe in myself, and striving to accomplish what might seem to others as outlandish goals but it took active effort to make sure I made my own dreams a reality living according to what I had wanted not what society depicts.
My goal is to assist others with this; making a difference in their life by providing offerings that encourage them to hear their own voice more loudly to carry out more of the desires they have within them. In my own life (and like so many) I faced obstacles like failing grades early on and lacked confidence in pursuing what I thought I could have in my life and that could have derailed me but right mindset and reminders through habit shifts, I was able to overcome and live the life I wanted. Today, I want to offer the added cheerleader encouragement and tools that were necessary for me to assist others with believing more in the strength and soul desires dreams no matter the age they’re currently at. Each of us has a place within us that has the answers to what we need, and the means deep within us to be able to get where we want to be. No matter how strong we are at times in our lives, we all need that outside added strength from others.
3 How does your role as a documentarian of others stories and photographer assist you as a leader in your role as other’s Lifestyle-ist Coach?
At an early age, I was always interested in people’s story. I had a camera in my hand at the early age of 7 and would line up my dolls photographing them. As time went on, I began to love others stories hearing where they came from and what inspirational story proved to be such a big part of their life. It was intriguing to me whether they were the owner of an olive grove, farmer, or legendary film maker or actor. I was captivated by the process of life they had lived to make their life what they wanted it to be and in some cases beating the odds to get there. You pair that with someone that live fully according to the soul and you have a brand. I was always living richly in life fully embraced by the moment and moved with emotion for the simplicities of life yet the wave of euphoria that it evoked for me as I appreciated the fullness of something as simple as baking a pie. I’ve crafted so much of my content on the focus of doing what calls in one’s truest soul desires. If that means it’s the habits of living by the beach to be able to appreciate the moment more fully with such richness in well-being then that is what I love learning about. I focus on capture the story about the habit that were necessary in keeping a person believing in themself and enjoying life fully. The act of overcoming obstacles to stay true to one self is the larger part of the story as well. All of this tied into my years as a documentarian, where I would capture stories of those just living life fully!
4 Where do you gain perspective on how to enhance life, mindfulness, social behaviors of others and human interactions to aid you in the creation of this brand and the offerings here?
Although, I have always had an interest in the field of psychology, and began my undergrad degree in Psychology and started working on a thesis on the topic of, “the meaning of happiness,” I decided to pursue a degree in Business Communications instead. Psychology has always been innately in me underlying my thought process in all of my areas of focus within my career. I would read Psychology Today Magazine, while others were out partying back in the day many moons ago. It has just been very much a part the way I think.
5 What helped motivate you and what obstacles did you overcome to inspire you to help others?
Growing up, I often felt on the outskirts. My innate thinking on this, now as an adult, is that since I was the oldest of two younger sisters and considerable older than my youngest sister by almost 9 years, I often felt that I was supposed to be the helper. I didn’t feel others needed to spend much time talking to me as they did my sisters. I often transferred this in my schooling assuming the teachers were speaking to others besides me and blocked out some of the content I was being taught early on. I was quiet and meek in my earlier years and self conscious, always wanting to feel approved, being the best I could be making no waves. I grew up in a strong willed Italian family which proved to be beneficial to the strength I now have today, but it also created obstacles for me. My family was very loving growing up but also very dominant and over opinionated and critical. I felt this created an inner critic in myself and battled the critic constantly trying to feed positive reinforcement through positive affirmations and surrounding myself with people that fueled me with happiness.
Now at the age of 41, I look back at one of the biggest obstacles, I ever received that thankfully did not change the trajectory of my life and I think about how others obstacles early in life really have a way of shaping ones entire life. When applying for colleges at a time so many other students were optimistic, I was told I should not even apply to a 4 year school since I likely would not get in with the poor grades I had gotten in high school. High school guidance counselors advised me that I should only apply to 2 year state schools. It wasn’t until a movie, I watched just before college, called ‘With Honors’ along with a loud voice in my head had said, that inspired the decision that I must apply to a couple 4 year schools and I had the inner knowing that I would in fact (even before applying) graduate with honors. I did just that and graduate with not just one but two honors programs under my belt top of my college class.
As we listen to others strong opinions, no matter what stage of life we’re in, it can have a lasting negative impact if we don’t trust our own inner wisdom and strength in our voice and belief in ourself. One of these things in particular following graduating top of my college class, several years later was choosing to live a life in Napa Valley, California among nature in an environment where others were living their soul desires. Napa’s been a place that captivated me and spoke truest to my soul being amongst beautiful areas in nature.
Through my programs I share with others that it's easy to get caught up in "what we should be living" perspective based on others opinions weighing on us; and to allow obstacles that happened to us early on in our life to push us down from carry out what we desire however, if we build our inner strength within us and voice we are able to do anything we set our mind to. Part of all of that is setting up your mental environment and outer environment to speak as reminders to where you want to be heading in your life.
6 What programs that you now offer have also helped you in your own life?
Over the years, I learned to overcome much of this by building up my own voice, believing in my own opinion for what I wanted and the believe in myself that my opinion mattered through positive affirmations, and trusting myself based on witnessing what worked in various circumstances. I also built a close relationship with God trusting in Him to support my every decision.
Obstacles shows up in many ways in all our lives and prevents us from really being able to focus on the life we are so destined to live, if we let it. If you experience any obstacles, it could have shown up in your life as others naysaying words, or a negative effect from how you were brought up, or a not so good guiding advice steering you down the wrong path, a life trauma. Whatever it was, you have the opportunity to up to you to change it overcome it through tapping into your all knowing self through visualization, positive affirmations, and online retreats, and shifts in your home environment to feel enriched like I have done first hand for many years of my life.
7 What experience do you bring to the table that can support others?
Along with my first hand life experiences in the related subject of purposeful living and mindset driven focuses, that I used to shape my life and career. I have an innate underlying tuned in way of trusting my inner self. I have harnessed this through my close trust in God playing a role in my life especially when it comes to the guided deep dive visualization I do that calls in some deep inner knowing I use to guide me all that is needed for my clients. I received my B.A. in business communications graduating top of my college class with two honors programs.
I spent much of my career in marketing, visual communications, story telling through means of written articles, still photography, and interview segments. I was mainly self taught when it comes to photography and the interview segments I carried out. In pursuit of living what called me to carry out my dreams that included being less confined to a desk in a corporate world, I moved west to Napa Valley, CA over a decade ago from where I grew up in Boston, MA. Upon my move, I was able to be that much more creative in an environment where others were reliant on more creativity and captured the stories of those winemakers, vineyard managers and chefs living in winecountry as content creator, television show host for my television show which still airs on our Napa Valley’s small television station. My written articles and photography work was featured in national publications.
I’ve been blessed to covered many inspiring moments with locals and celebrities, and covered many red carpeted moments where I’ve spoken to Hollywood stars about their success stories.Much of my content is driven towards mindfulness focused purposeful living and soul fulfilling strides that slowly morphed my brand and offerings “Living Revived.”
All of my experiences have shaped me into the person I am today, and it allows me to be able to offer such rich content to you today in support of what will “revive” you and spark your spirit back to life. My own story of transition shapes the very nature of what I bring to my viewers and those purposing my programs in my brand today.
8 Who in your life gave you your positive motivation?
My grandfather was a huge motivation to me in all aspects of my life. He was a calm, comforting presence in my life and his words have stayed with me all these years. I can still hear him saying, “you CAN do anything you set your mind to.” My grandmother also lived a life that has lead this brand to the focus it has had on habit shifts in the home. She always had a way of being more purposeful in the daily care and time she took in every task she carried out. Her way of making self care enriched moments in the way of living life and especially with how she set up a space for myself and my sisters; whether that be a rolled towel for when we get out of the bath as if we were at a fancy hotel, or when she carefully made cup of tea in a purposeful manner enjoying it in a favorite mug. These are all driving forces behind my brand today. That paired with the humor and excitement of my Dad’s side of the family makes for this uplifting and soul fulfilling nature of my brand!
9 What gave you the courage to branch out from your corporate career in Boston, MA to do something different in Napa Valley?
The 9-5 office life drained me and I knew it wasn’t for me. I was called for more…..and also felt very depleted there being stuck in an office behind closed walls all day. I couldn't believe people would go into work at the early start of the day just as the sun was coming up and not get home till after the sun was almost setting. It boggled my mind. I’m an outdoorsy person and have always been from an early age someone that loved appreciated the senses. I needed my work to fit my life and not feel like work at all. It was also truly important for me to live a life that didn’t feel mundane, but rather felt based on passion and purpose and gave me a sense of being completely living in an enriched way of life. I knew this pretty early on. I knew there was a little voice that spoke to me and I was happiest doing other things, I couldn’t see my life stuck in that way ever again. It was a waste of my time and one life I got to live.
10 how did your move to Napa Valley from Boston encourage your creation for the “living revived” offerings line?
With each marketing position I held in Boston, I pitched the opportunity to incorporate photography into my role. My photography business began to grow and from there I adjusted my schedule to accommodate working only consulting and part time jobs alongside growing my photography business. It wasn’t until I truly made the leap and moved to Northern, California heading straight to Napa Valley in 2009 that I began to see the shift both in myself and in the projects I was being hired for. I had changed my environment completely and all that I knew, building a new network in a new place. I had a very strong intuition and endless dreams that spoke loudly encouraging me to make the move to Napa. I finally listened after 7 years of visiting Napa Valley on it and left everything I knew to move to a place where I knew no one at the time.
When I moved to Napa I started taking on on documentary related interviews and projects. I was called on projects that asked me to capture others stories through means of a photo, a written article, and hosted interview segments at keynote well attended events and help by sharing others personal stories and brands.
I was in uncharted territories where no one in my family had previously gone and I had not originally studied to be in this arena, but I persisted in listening to my own intuition calling me beyond the ordinary and aligning me more with my souls' purpose. I had the faith to know it was God’s ways of shaping my life for more of what I was destined to live in the hopes of making a difference in others lives.
Over the past 17 years as an entrepreneur, I learned there were many things that I needed to be in place to stay 1. afloat 2. happy/thriving and 3. living my most soul fulfilled life. What I began to realize was, if I was feeling this way in needing these three criteria with key habit shifts that were necessary to stay mentally equipped and within a space physically that reminded me of where I wanted to be headed then I think others could benefit from this also.
Living from a place of passion and purpose allows you to fully appreciate life and align more for what it is you desire. In my mind for a long time I was not a professional photographer by many standards, since I had little formal training, yet my work was soon requested to be included for national publication by magazine like Vogue, South Shore Living, Daily Candy, Boston Common, San Francisco Brides, and Napa Valley Life, to name just a few. I was in no way an expert interviewer, yet I’ve been able to interview some of the most sought after inspirational individuals in the world who lived in Napa Valley as well as in Hollywood. I lived to lend the story to others ears to share what passions others pursued in their lives beyond all odds, and was enthralled with the means by which and I could share others stories through written articles, hosted segment, photography, and social media platforms. I was in love with the story behind the person and much in love with people as a whole humanity while they exemplified a zest for life leading them to their passions. Today, I continue to live this passion and zest for life.
Today, I’m a true believer that anyone can have a dream and go on to achieve what they set out to accomplish. It’s when you start beginning to plant each little seed one at a time, that you truly have faith enough and see it come to fruition. The possibilities you once saw as far fetched are actually quite possible after all. Through my journey of living my truest desires and goals, I have found that there would be many tools to help shape my life along the way. Each of these tools I provide to you here through the NICOLE M CO site on our SHOP page and COURSE page will reinforce belief in yourself. (See official bio for media purposes)