Women’s | Revival ONE-DAY RETREAT
- Health Spa Napa Valley


  • Pool House | Awakening Yoga

    Held by a seasoned yoga practisioner. Take your mind and body up to a new outlook. Breathe in fresh air to welcome in movement, letting go of stagnant energy and igniting fresh new shifts.

  • Bamboo Lounge | Visualize Your Higher Self Practice

    Nicole guides you through her process of hearing your highest self again. We’ll start the retreat off with a beautiful way of calling to mind all that your higher self is calling you towards. Start getting into a relaxed state of opening yourself up to anything you desire. We’ll be raising up positive, elevated vibes. This process has moved many clients past their limited belief mindset into the realization of what they deserve, which they have already bestowed upon them from birth. Discover an embodiment of change. This begins the retreat in a shifted outlook but also harnesses deep-rooted realization for what is possible.

  • Pool Deck | Juice Lounge Break

    Relax through the process of the day with a healthy, nourishing retreat break. When you nourish your body, you nourish your mind, and all begins to feel in order. Part of you elevating your state of being is savoring in the stillness of the moment and reclaiming what you deserve. Well-being starts with the process of which you feel like a guest and take time for self.

  • Pool House | Cultivating Inner Bliss Practices

    Nicole’s Goalsetting & Journal prompts will be provided as a means to step into the higher self you’ve been waiting for. Make them real now, but ignite your intentions, making them feel real and putting action to everything. Call to mind all that deserve in this life. Through this journal, you’ll start to see all that you want to embark on with clarity, and the boundaries revealed for what you wish to eliminate that has not been working for you.

  • Poolside | Lunch + Glass of Champagne

    Your retreat day will include a nourishing healthy lunch and a glass of Mumm Champagne

  • Pool House | Intentional Living/Journal Setting to Ignite Your New Reality

    During this process, Nicole will show you how to take what you’ve journaled thus far and cultivate real-life habits, instilling belief and timelines as to that which you wish to make real. Nicole’s secret tips will show you how to enhance living intentionally so that even little moments of everyday life feel anything but ordinary. Elevating your state of being and also magnetizing in the highest opportunities that are meant for you in this life.

  • Pool & Spa Facilities | Leisure Relaxation In Your New State of Being

    Take this time to just be. Settle into all the work you’ve accomplished and everything you’ve called to the surface. This is the time when you can feel your elevated, highest self becoming one with your current self. You might float along i the pool at this time, or you may choose to wish to continue to do self-reflection or personal journaling.

  • LAWN | Self Care Swagbag Kit Departing Gift & Ceremony

    Nicole will send you on your way with a departing keepsake, which is a beautifully crafted self-care kit. Your Self-Care Kit is filled with reviving items that continue allowing you to take on the “highest elevated future you” so that you can take part in at-home at-home self-care and remain vacation-minded as you go about your daily habits. We want you to stay in the shoes of your higher, elevated self longer and keep “her” beyond the retreat day.


Sunday 7/28
8:30 am-3:45 pm (Retreat in Session)

3:45 pm - 7:45 pm (Enjoy the pool amenities and remain in rejuvenation, and or book an optional spa service.)

8:45 am-9:30 am | Mini Mindset and mimosas warm sendoff

9:30 am - 6 pm | Optional limited bookings are available for 1:1 private coaching with Nicole today (Each client booking coaching services will automatically receive a resort day pass with each coaching booking).
Secure a massage or spa service booking.


Do anything you set your mind to. Learn lifestyle-elevating practices that offer you a transformation in mind, life, and capability as you claim self-actualization. Carry out living a “vacation-minded” life that leads to a fulfilling lifestyle with a newly harnessed perspective over your life.

*see a full schedule of itinerary below…


Sunday 7/28

8:45 am | Morning Welcome Intro to ‘Breath Again’ a Blissful momentum that kicks off our Revived© Reset Retreat (Bamboo Lounge)
9:15 am-10:15 am | Awakening Yoga (Pool House) 
10:30 am - 11:30 am | Visualization Practice ‘Embodiment of Change, Stepping into future YOU! (Bamboo Lounge)
11:30 am- 11:50 pm | Fresh Juice Bar (Poolhouse Deck) 
12:00 pm-1:00 pm | Lunch (Poolside Lawn) & Glass of Mumm Champagne
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm |  Breath Work Calming Practice (Poolhouse)
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm | Intentional Living and Setting Journal Practice* (Poolhouse)
2:15 pm -3:30 pm | Intentional Living Incubator Corner Instilling Habits + Q&A with Nicole 
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm | Closing Circle 
3:45 pm - 6:45 pm | Leisure Time with Glass of Mumm Champagne (leisurely visit to the pool and sauna and use of the facilities to unwind)
*timeline details are subject to change


Monday 7/29
8:45am-9:30am Mini Mindset and mimosas
9:30 am - 6 pm (1:1 coaching sessions being held upon appointment)
*Those choosing to add a service today will receive a guest pass to the pool facilities for the day.
(additional sessions are offered upon appointment for an added service)
*Only those selecting an add-on service today will receive a guest pass to the pool facilities for the day

Ideal for guests who are:
In the midst of life transformation. You feel like you are on the brink of something, but you are also looking for a refreshing, easier way of living your life! Let’s get you dreaming bigger to ignite soul goals! You may have been feeling you have been needing down time and maybe even given your power away to help others. Are you ready to receive a lifestyle overhaul starting with elevating your mindset so you can learn how to step into higher self-callings that are meant for you? You’ve really wanted to live fulfilled and freed from underlying burdens. You’re so used to your voice being quieted. It’s time to get back to the “truest you.” Are you ready to lift the burdens, feel elevated, rejuvenated, and freed up in a "vacation-minded" intentional lifestyle, and learn how to carry this elevated state of being with you beyond the day’s activities so you can do anything you set your mind to?  


Nicole Marino, founder of Revived© and Bigshot Media, is an accomplished entrepreneur and Mindset and Lifestyle Transformation Coach. She guides clients through her proven methodology, which has elicited awakening to higher self-callings and reignited overall well-being and inner bliss while offering accountability to countless clients looking to step into their elevated state of being. She teaches the ways to harness and honor soul desires that fuel personal brand essence and instills the practices of mindset to do anything one sets one's mind to. Nicole’s work has been featured in publications such as Vogue and Thrive Global, and she has had countless interviews with celebrities like Kevin Bacon and Olivia Wilde. Nicole is a certified EFT practitioner and has received her Health Wellness Lifestyle Coaching certificate. Her personal development programs and retreats stem from over 15 years of building her methodologies that lend momentum for her client in their plight to live intentionally while staying true to themselves. Her planner calendars have been sold throughout the Napa Valley area and through her online shop.

Embodiment of Transformation-

Join the countless clients who have been transported to a blissful, rejuvenating, and awakening state of being. Nicole guides you through learning the key way to let go of the things blocking you while igniting your soul’s deepest callings as you tap into a stay of the higher future self and belief.

This one-day reset is meant to implement an easier, breezier outlook and clear direction on the next phases through a life transition that leads to an up-leveling of your possibilities.

If you’re in a life transition, you’ll find this is perfect for you. You’ll be embarking on awakening to your highest self and all that you need from “future her.” Start out in our mind-body yoga practice, then go on to open your mind and body with breath work, a guided meditative visualizing practice that calls in the truest you, and instill goals in this resetting journal practice to embark on desires beyond your wildest imagination, instilling a newfound reality to make what you set your mind to possible. Guest expert and mindset and lifestyle transformation coach Nicole Marino will lead you on this journey. She has years of experience in her proven practices built to reignite one’s life with her method, The Revival Platform©. Imagine going through the embodiment of transformation that leads you to learn how to reinvent your life on your terms.

If you are local or have chosen to add a hotel stay, you will have the option to join in on a ‘bonus day’ on Monday.
(the day after the main retreat day)

Included in your retreat:

“Monday, Mini Mindset” paired with Mimosas

Next-day add-on options:
- Book private 1:1 coaching for Monday
- Book spa services.

(There are only 12 guests for our retreat day, so please plan accordingly.)

If you’d like to stay overnight, we’ve secured a promotion rate at the Spa’s sister location!

For those joining our one-day retreat and wishing to stay over night, we’re offering the benefits of a discounted rate with Health Spa Napa Valley’s sister hotel located next to the spa, Southbridge, and secure our preferred rate with mention of PROMO CODE: Women’sRevivalRetreat when booking. Call Southbridge Reservations at 1-855-293-5094 or the Front Desk at 707-967-9400.

-Heidi Llovet, LA (Nutrition & Fitness Consulting)

“Nicole’s very intuitive and insightful and got to the core of what I needed personally very quickly. She also has the business organization side, which was great for helping with setting up tasks/goals, getting more organized, and making a plan.”

- Iris B., Las Vegas, Nevada (Author)

“Thank you for helping me to reconnect to my truth… to put it simply you are an awesome and extraordinary being. You bring light to darkness, hope to the lost, and imagination to the impossible.”

- Holly, Canada ( Health Coach)

“I knew I needed to take this program with Nicole, and it beyond exceeded my expectations”