Does This Sound Like You?

Does this sounds like you?

You may be on a mission to live moving past much of the same ... 
but are having trouble putting it into action to create something different for life. It can be exhausting trying to shift to make any changes. You may be used to doing it all on your own. 

We are in a world of technology, with rushing and just getting through most days, in a world where we already have so many other obstacles we started with. We find ourselves overwhelmed, not seeing the lighter side of life on a consistent enough basis, spaces in our life literally and mentally have become oversaturated, and we are filled with more anxiety than ever.

Have you forgotten to make the time enjoy the process of living life on a cellular level.  Do you feel drainedoverwhelmed, items on your to do list pulling you in many directions? 
We're in a time where outside stressors seem to be weighing us down now more than ever affecting our own internal happiness.


  You might be saying there's got to be something more of me, and you want more. 
That's where I come in to assist you. Together we'll walk through the process to get done, It's here we  truly tap into what it is that your soul is wanting to accomplish feel like you're living fully.Before I started my photography-media business over 12 years ago I saw the effects work life stressors that my marketing career had on my own life and my spirit.  It was necessary that I make shifts to better my decisions. I wanted a constant state of "fueled up" interest in living life. I wanted more of that happy go lucky, living all my desires fulfilled with zest for life that I was used to experiencing early on as a child. I wasn't convinced that just being an adult was a good enough excuse to have to go through the feeling of the daily grind mentality that I often witnessed from so many adults in my life.  I was not settling in my life or career.

It was hard to get to this place I wanted to be living in with outside sources and loved ones closest to me speaking from a place of fear, worry and anxiety that would weigh in on me and started to prevent me from living this new way of being that spoke to my soul. None the less, I risked the stability of a 9-5:00 career they were used to and led more of the life that was calling me aiding myself in useful mindfulness tools to keep myself positive, focused, and engaged. If I had let others perception of the way I should live life steer me and convince me that was all there was, I wouldn't be living from this place of purpose that is based on more fulfillment and soul based decisions fueled in my life! It's easy for all of us to allow others to weigh in on our life but it's up to us fully listen to ourselves before it stops us in our tracks from living the life that speaks to our soul. 

Read more about my story and the move that changed my life in the "about" section below on this site below. Also, learn about my offerings here that have steered others in the pursuit of living more of a hopeful new found "future self" way of life! I hope to be a road map for other entrepreneurs and professions that are looking for more focus, strength, means to overcome stress, obsticles with hope that we're all dealt with in order to live best ones best life fueled with zest for life. I hope you'll embark on what you truly desire on a soul level! It was through my own struggles of fear and finances, and anxiety, along with the worries that I didn't have what it would take, that has elevated this brand into existence. I hope my habit shifts that served me to thrive, will also help you! You'll find offerings here that I've been methodically crafting over the past decade while progressing in my media business Bigshot. It's comprised content that has been driven from all of my little fragments of written notes, journaled ideas, and compelling inspirational interviews, and learned situational experiences captured of both prominent celebrities and everyday individuals to bring you the transformational moments that are most likely to shift your own personal life. What you'll find here is nothing short of the very motivators to keep YOU motivated, focused, driven, more at ease, to believe in yourself, and the ways you can start living from a place of fulfillment in your living your life, home, and career from the depths of what's calling you deep in your soul. 

To operate from this thriving-in-the-footsteps of your" ideal future self' way from home space to internal mindset space, follow me. You'll want to sign up for my emails and check out my offerings. You'll begin to notice, I actively focused my content that I've written for published articles, and interviews highlight mindfulness & purposeful living that keep others fueled up in this hectic world we live in.  In order to bring you the very best, I've tested my programs and incentives on friends, family, and clients in order to provide you what works to make a difference in your own life! I hope you find it enjoyable, life changing, and useful! Enjoy the process with me, you have it within you!