When I moved from Boston to Napa Valley, I made the decision to live more according to my dream. I was having literally dreams and it was also a big dream resonated fro me. The essence was it spoke to my soul so loudly and I had just tappee drive and pure zest to begin living it that it caused me to totally transform my life. I had started out on a journey of transition unknown of what was yet to come yet I took a risk and awakened it all. Soon I was interviewing celebrities on red carpets, in front of the camera getting the story from the sources of talented winemakerss and chefs and learn more about what I wanted to achieve within my self self. The stories were all there and the successes of others were time and time again about a mindset and how one viewed their life and if they pursued what they were passionate about living. d into a newer version of myself that gave me the courage, thhave made it my focus to offer the best in mindfulness to my followers and clients. These offerings create a shift in your that revives your most desired sense of self. One that is determined, driven, free of naysaying and armed with the means to manage stress better, focused on a better life. Among my interviews on mindfulness, passion and drive are those conversations with local Napa Valley Icons and celebrities Kevin Bacon, Aaron Eckhart, Billy Bush, Olivia Wilde, & Deborah Lee Smith, to name a few.  Allow the motivation from others including myself to guide your own journey's of progression past the obstacles and persist to something greater within you that you so very much deserve. 
As an entrepreneur I've been able shifted my life for  vibrant  filled meaning through soul fulfilling choices. I believe in helping others shift their lifestyle

Mindfulness is what keeps me having the right way of thinking that allows me to persist in more in what I want to be living, with the drive I need, and the way of believing in myself, giving me a outlook I need to carry on with an at ease perspective on life, more able to manage the stresses and obstacles that may have came my way.  I found a way to tap into my future wiser self and connected her with my current self to align with more of what I wanted and who I wanted to be.  You’ll find here key programs I’ve created and habit shifts for home + mindset to assist in guiding YOU along your journey! I hope they’ll spark your spirit back to life to walk in the footsteps of your ideal soul’s future purpose.
- - - This is created this for individuals who have gone through much, are used to giving so much of themselves, and are ready to make a change transitioning into a self that is ready to be on a new journey. - - -