My dot about me
I was always wanting to do right
Behave be appropriate by standards of my parents of the norms of what people were suggesting was their truth of what would be “the best” for me. It was a critical judgmental unsolicited environment of constant “harsh advice” I wanted to live according to me and knew better for myself. I was operating at a different playing field that people couldn't see. I started living according to my own internal compass and souls callings that was what started without taking a risk outside of the “stable” corporate world of a career I had build in marketing and into the unknown of doing more in a self trained arena of photography. Eventually that lead to following my heart and soul to a place that aligned with what I like to say a vibration where I was at in my soul not outwardly what other people thought I was at - and that was a lighter easier breezier life in Northern CA. Where life felt easier and the judgement wasn’t upon me it was only my own internal compass. No one could touch my wishes here. Till I went home and visited then I had to rebuild to keep believing my mission with positive affirmations, with setting up my environment with where I was going not where I was at financially etc. Making little luxuries corners of my space on a budget that looked high end and felt of abundance and of organization so I could be this in reality. I literally reinvented myself. I was creating organizational offerings like goals tracking sheets, calendars, motivational gate keepers, and now a course program that. keeps others in the right mindset to strive for a deeper evolved version of self in both personal and business life.
I now call on my future self for permission (created from and by God) and for a way to step into a sense of my self to live eleoquently evolved and enjoyed in the highest power that is possible for me. Guided visualizations and an intuitively that. is within guides me with all of this. It has done so for a long while only I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know what it was when I speaking to Jesus and walking in the footsteps of the all knowing that point and time. Now I do. Being full enjoyed in a life I love is giving honor to all that God has blessed us to be given what we have been. Living your truth is the key.